How to Reduce Laundry Electricity and Gas Costs in Adelaide

Running a laundry can be costly, especially with rising electricity and gas prices in Adelaide. However, by implementing a few practical changes, you can reduce laundry electricity and gas costs effectively. Here are some proven ways to save on energy while doing laundry.

1. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Switching to energy-efficient washers and dryers can significantly lower energy consumption. Look for machines with high star ratings, as these appliances use less electricity and water while offering superior performance. Although they may be more expensive upfront, the long-term savings will make up for the initial investment.

2. Wash in Cold Water

Most of the energy used in laundry comes from heating the water. By washing your clothes in cold water, you can reduce your energy usage by up to 90%. Cold water is sufficient for cleaning most garments and can prolong the life of your clothes as well.

3. Full Loads Only

Washing full loads is more energy-efficient than washing several smaller loads. This maximises the use of water and energy, reducing the overall consumption per item washed. Similarly, drying full loads helps optimise gas or electricity use in dryers.

4. Air-Dry Clothes When Possible

Air-drying clothes is a cost-free and energy-saving method that works especially well in Adelaide’s warm climate. Set up a clothesline or drying rack outdoors to dry your laundry naturally, which can greatly cut down on dryer use.

5. Clean Filters and Vents Regularly

Dirty lint filters and clogged vents can reduce the efficiency of your dryer, making it consume more electricity or gas. By cleaning filters after every use and ensuring vents are free of obstructions, you’ll help your dryer work efficiently and save on energy bills.

For more in-depth tips on how to Reduce Laundry Electricity and Gas Costs in Adelaide, you can explore further energy-saving practices to lower your household expenses. Small changes like using smart power strips or timing your laundry during off-peak hours can further contribute to savings​​.

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